Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Potty training!!

We are in the middle of the fourth week of training - and it's going well. 

Week one - we started out with bottomless days. Had several accidents but slowly became more successful.   

Week two - we removed his potty chair to get use to the potty ring on the big boy toilet.  We also started going to grandmas in the am while I went to vbs.  went three days without accidents!!! 

Week three - had one to two accidents a day.  Luckily in three weeks we have only had about five pooppy accidents (two were with Gma).   Most naps and mornings waking up dry. :) 

Week four - 
Monday - only one accident at night. Was so excited during play. 
Tuesday - no accidents.  Asked to go pee and pooh by himself. Held his pee for four hours while at the mall.  So excited! 
Wednesday - so far dry.  Asleep at nap. 

1) I am lucky that we started on my summer vacation so I had a lot of time to pay attention. 
2) our son has never been clingy.  He loves challenges, solving problems, and being independent. 
3) he has watched us potty for his whole life. 
4) we started with the three day naked.  It was a great start. 
5) first week we watched Daniel tiger episode about princess Wednesday going potty. He likes and even watched it today.  Great theme song that I've heard him sing in bed.  :) 
6) we rewarded with stickers, m&ms, fist bumps, hugs, dances, kisses, and flushing the toilet.  
7) we wear pull-ups at night (can be reused if dry). We sometimes where them out in places that don't have good potties. Or easy place to change. 
8) bought a foldable potty to carry with us and it works great. We also have disinfect wipes to wipe it off before going back in the bag. 
9) breathe!  
10) pray and praise. 
11) when getting frustrated leave.  My husband has rescued me two times where I was having a bad mommy day.  He would take over and I would remove myself from the situation. 
12) apologize for being an upset mommy - even if they don't know - it makes them feel grown up.  Tell them you'll do better tomorrow. 
13) talk about it to everyone when they go!  
14) talk about underwear.  Gx likes them because they are like "daddies"
15) pray 
16) remind them they are in control. They get to decide that they are big kids. 
17) track their progress. I found a free potty app that would set reminders and track how they are doing.  It helps remind everyone when they need to go. 
18) pray. 
19) love on them no matter what! 
20) remember this takes time. 

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