Thursday, April 2, 2020

Interview with boys

Five Top Tips for Better Note Taking for Adult Students - military ...

I wrote these in my journal. I treasure words and hope that one day my boys will treasure them (theirs) as well.

1. If you won a million dollars, what would you buy?
S - water container for my fireman costume
G - Books... okay, pokemon cards

2. How long does it take to get to Canada?
S - 1000 days
G - 10 hours.  Wait, I want to change that to 84 days.

3. What does I always say to you?
S - (continues to play and ignores me)
G - Don't be a space invader. I love you!

4. What job do you want to have when you grow up?
S - smoke jumper! and when I get home I want to be a ninja dad.
G - guy who works on computers or hacker..... what's a hacker?

5. What is the capitol of America?
S - (blank stares and back to playing)
G - the letter "A"... right, America starts with A?   (we then talked about what a capitol is)

6. Where do babies come from?
S - Baby Corp.
G - Their momma's womb

7. At what age are you considered an adult?
S - umm, 5
G - 23, I guess?

8.  If you could change one family rule, what would it be?
S - I don't have you, I love you.....
G - Watching TV time, where I could watch all day.

9. If you could have a super hero power what would it be?
S - spider webs, because I'm spiderman (in a very matter of fact tone)
G - That I could be IN video games to actually play them (I think like that one movie)

10. How would you save the planet?
S - I would take bad guys to the police station.
G - I would create a force field around the earth to stop asteroids.

11. If you could eat only one thing forever, what would it be?
S - aliens
G - my favorite sandwhich

12. How much money does it take to buy a house?
S - a lot of money
G - $100.29

13. Why should we be nice to each other?
S - So God doesn't send us to hell (that's deep theology for a 4 year old)
G - so we can get along.

14. What does "love" mean?
S - peace
G - compassion

15. What are you scared of?
S - darkness, monsters, and shadows.
G - wasps

16. What or who is important to you?
S - mom and dad
G - people, the whole world

17. what makes mommy happy?
S - going away (that hurt kid!)
G - Sore and I getting along.

18. What makes mommy sad?
S - when I don't listen and obey
G - me hurting Soren

19. Who is your best friend?
S - Shawna (his old imaginary friend that he knows is not real), which means Gideon because I sometimes call Gideon Shawna. and Rheagan!
G - (start naming names, ask if you want to know if you are on his friend list)

20. Where would you go if you could travel anywhere?
S - Alabama (we visited over Christmas break and he's obsessed with it).
G - same

21. How does mommy bother you?
S - spanking our butts, that BOTHERS me!
G - when you mock me

22. What's your favorite color?
S - green
G - red and blue

23. If you could call anyone, who would you call?
S - police officers, mom and dad, fire fighters (I don't think he understands a phone call)
G - mom and dad for help with math...

24. What's the number of the universe?
S - we don't know, we just don't
G - infinity (draws the symbol)

25. What is the best thing of quarantine?
S - going to dollar tree (we went one time! it's his favorite store)
G - reading and playing a lot!

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