Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid Logic - Apology Letter

Watch this video, please.  It's Pink and Ellen <3

It's almost a year old, but it really spoke to me.  Is it odd to say that a day time talk show spoke to me. But it did.

I feet like Pink - wanting to fight injustice (not just now, but pretty much always).  I couldn't agree more with Pink - there is a kind way to correct people and educate people!

Honestly, I am tired of Covid complainers. Now, you might be thinking... wow, who's calling someone a complainer when you just wrote a whole blog post about all the crazy in your life.  I do believe there is a difference between sharing worry and concerns and just wanting to complain. I think the difference between the two is the end result. Someone who worries or is concern is looking for answers and wants to be part of the solution. A complainer, could care less and typically adds to the problem. <------ all my opinion.

**Covid Logic From No One Special.... that's me**
One of my biggest triggers recently is the people sharing misinformation, or misinterpreting data.  As a math teacher, you can shift numbers and graphs to make them tell "your side" of the story and it drives me crazy when people do that (I also don't like lying, and misguiding someone feels like a lie).

People who don't think this is a big deal because there are more deaths by _______________ .
People who don't think this is a big deal because they have had _____________________ already.
People who don't think this is a big deal because _______________________ tells them it's not.
People who don't think this is a big deal because the death rate is only _________________ .

Here's the deal. There are lots of sides to this crisis. But, in the end, do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Even if there was 1% of deaths. Is that not enough to break your heart? Look at your neighborhood. Let's say on average 4 people live in a home. In your neighborhood, every 25th house has a dead person in it.

Average joe logic - yeah, staying at home is working!

People complain that the virus is only effecting a fraction of the population.

Average joe logic - yeah, staying at home is working!

Here's my personal logic. No data or numbers... just me thinking.

If we don't take shelter/lock down seriously, more people will contract the virus. As more people contract the virus more people will die. Why? Because hospitals only have so much space. Doctors and nurses only have so much time to serve. Equipment can only help so many.

When I last checked the US lost 14,000 of the 427,000 cases... which is roughly a 97% survival.... that's still 14,000 funerals.  JUST IN THE UNITED STATES. That's 14,000 families hurting and grieving. That's 14,000 people who can no longer provide or care for their family.

I understand that a lot of people die from car accidents, cancer, or abortion. Those deaths are also heart breaking. And yes, this (quarantine) sucks...and it's hard and it's frustrating and it's scary at times. But, I don't know about you.... I want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

This isn't political. This is about people. Stay home.

** Quick Apology Letter **
In the video I liked how Pink said she goes in on people to fight justice, when she has time. I keep seeing post from people about covid that are not helpful or hopeful in any light. I want to go in on them.  But I am learning not to.

I apologize if, in my moment to educate, I have not been kind. Typically my 'style of education' is not for you to believe 'my side' but for you to see the world through a different perspective. To understand that sometimes no one is right.

I am sorry if you have been hurt, not my intentions. I love talking to people, not just to challenge them, but to be challenged myself, so if you are ever wanting to strike up a conversation, don't hesitate to ask.

You are loved!

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