Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I tried - finding perfection [Chapter 8]

As a teacher I have the privilege of working with 136 students every day.  Probably more if you count all the past students I encounter in the hallways, or students from other classes that need help, or the students who need some extra love and come see me two or even three times a day, just to say "hi."

As a teacher I have the honor to work with some of the best teachers I know; I even get to have our 15 minute lunch with some of them!

As a teacher we have to remember that every person is different.

As a teacher, there is no perfect.

Well, there are perfect storms.

Chapter 8 - The Corrective Experience 

Chapter 7 and 8 could have been written together.  But I believe that Lysa wanted to break it up, what could have been a lengthy chapter, into a before and after.  A cause and effect.  A then and now. An old and new.

She continues to tell the story about Abigail (1 Samuel 25) and how Abigail did "me too" right.

As a teacher  one of the best things I have learned wasn't something I learned in PLC or that I derived from looking at endless amounts of data; but I learned though observation.  Everyone has a story.  Everyone has gifts and areas which need improvement.

At the start of the chapter, on page 90, Lysa writes that different people cause difficult situations unless both parties determine to discuss them equally and fairly.

People are, well, people.
We make mistakes
We cause errors
We need forgiveness
We need grace.
People are, well, people.

"Relationships don't come in packages of perfection;
relationships come in packages of potential." 

The above is a great quote. Because,

People are, well, people.
We can say sorry for our mistakes.
We can fix errors
We can ask for forgiveness
We can give grace
People will always be people.

What do you do when  you realize you are  working with people.  What do I do when working with over hundreds of students and teachers every day? What do I do when I see somebody's child more than I see my own?

We have to share stories.  We have to relate.  We have to be a people.

Lysa talks about "Me too" and how powerful that statement can be.  Abigail used it in chapter 25 of Samuel when she talks to the king.    "Me too" is different than "you should" (defensive) and  "you could" (preachy/teachy).  By saying "met too" lets the PEOPLE around you know that you are  a PEOPLE too.

Now, there is a difference between acknowledging the person and their story without having to join them.  You can identify with their hurt, have empathy, without having to agree with them or their situation.
Do you have that friend, that co-worker, maybe even that student, who sometimes talks to talk, or sometimes seems "dramatic" - have you really LISTENED?  Through all of those sad songs there is truth, there is their story.  They are not wanting a pitty party (unless they are totally narcissistic); they are wanting to be acknowledged, they want someone to say "me too" and to feel invited back into the human race.

Do you want to be heard?
Do you want to be accepted?
Do you want to be invited?
Do you want to be loved?

We all do!

Because we are all people, and well, we live in a not-so-perfect world.
But what if you are not the one doing the listening and the one doing the talking?

It really struck me, the over achiever, type-A, wonder woman, ISTJ, do it because it has to be done person -----> "No amount of outside achievements fixes inside hurt" page 98

WAIT.  Are you telling me, that no matter what I DO, I CAN'T FIX ME??

No, you don't have to!  That's the beauty.  We can be broken, but we are loved.  We can be unwanted, but we are needed.  We can be poor, but we are rich.  We can be lonely, but be full.

We have to allow God to heal our unwanted-ness, our brokenness, our loneliness to be able to move forward.  It's not by works, but by faith.

Is it true that God made people in his image?
Is it true that God is good?
Is it true that all people, whom are made in the image of God, are good?

If you answered yes, then you have to include yourself.

When we speak to people we have to speak to them as the children of God that they are.  We can not speak OR listen to people based off of their actions.  

People are, well, people.

So, as you go throughout your day, are you part of the problem or are you part of the solution?  You have to make a point to make progress.
We don't live in a perfect little world with perfect relationships. We live in a world full of potential. 

I tried finding perfection.  I tried creating my own false reality, my own perfect  world.  And  as a people, I failed.  But when I remember who is really in charge.  My imperfect world started to be the most perfect fit to the brokenness.

You are loved.
Live like it. =]

***For those of you who need some new tunes, check out what's been playing in my head:

Forever by Chris Tomlin
Lose My Soul by TobyMac

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