Thursday, February 13, 2020

Suicide, Why... (a poem and other random thoughts about censorship)

There is a lot going on around my head. A couple of topics that keep popping up, and they are requesting my attention to then be processed. They are: Superbowl, censorship, suicide.

Yes. Somehow in my brain these three topics are connected and are coming up regularly in many formats. Here is the timeline of events.

*I have been thinking about the act of suicide a lot lately (since October), not for me, but in memory of the ones I or others have lost. Thinking in circles. Tears filling my eyes. Prayers in my soul.

*Mid-January I started my graduate program; in short I can be a Librarian. My studies though have the emphasis on building bridges with the Hispanic community. This program has already opened up many conversations and sparked several thoughts about diversity, humanity and culture. It's rather quiet beautiful and I am enjoying myself.

*A couple weeks ago the Superbowl happened. The chiefs one (woot woot) - but the half time show brought a lot of attention among the circles I associate with. I don't know if you know this, but dancing in very little clothing can be controversial. I agreed with much of what was said, both sides of the conversation too. Teaching in a classroom, where half of my students are Hispanic, I enjoyed the cultural aspect of the halftime SHOW. Being a mom, I can also see how there were moments that maybe little eyes shouldn't see. Which is my right as a parent to censor what my children see and consume (they were playing outside... one got bit by a mouse... like, for real).

*This week in my graduate program we are working through ideas about banned books and censorship. For one of the assignments we have to pick a book from 10 popular banned books. One of them was 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I have not read the book, but it reminded me about the Netflix show that I watched years ago. I posted (2.5 years ago!) about the show.

And now - we are back to suicide.
Maybe to you they aren't connected. That's fine. Thanks to the First Amendment, we have the freedom to read and write that of our choosing.

(Quote by: Laurie Halse Anderson)

Here's a poem I wrote a few weeks ago:

"Suicide, why?"

Suicide, why?

Why did you take
     My friends dad when we were kids?

Why did you take
     My friends grandpa?

Why did you take
     My friends father in law,
          and later
     Her brother?

Why did you take
     My former teacher?

Why? Just, Why?

Why did you take
      My student, my kiddo?

and in the same week

Why did you take
     My husband's uncle?

Suicide, why?

Why did you take
     My friend?


To those that I miss deeply.
This year I wanted to Bloom and be a better person.
I want to do it for you.

***** if you are in need of help, please click here ******

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