We found out in October that we were expecting (as planned/trying) our second child. We found out that baby's due date would be the very end of June. Almost a bit too late for a teacher who is returning come August, but still good timing. God is good.
As we progress we find out that our baby is going to be a boy! Another boy. I was slightly disappointed, thought it would be fun to have a girl, yet at the same time filled with joy.... I get boys. I understand the dirt. I understand the busy body. I understand the tough. So raising another boy, I can try that again! Soren Paul will be little brother to Gideon Xavier. With glee we praise; God is good.
I continue to get bigger. Now, everyone tries to be nice to pregnant people.
Let's get real.
Some people are beautiful pregnant.
And some.... well.... become a house.
I am not a small person to start with. But I grow.... grow.....grow some more. I watch what I eat. Never really had any strange cravings. But I grow, and I'm sick, and I grow. I become as round as I am tall. I am not even trying to be funny. Picture a 5 food 2 inch girl, huge tushie, and just as big pump in the front. I had all the shapes. And all the shapes were round. But we still have baby Soren - God is good.
My midwife starts to joke about how Soren must be pushing out at every appointment, or that he's in a funny positions when she continues month to month and week to week measure him big. I mean, I am measuring 4-6 weeks ahead of schedule. But he's still here, so we praise - He is great!
Finally after another detailed ultrasound it is confirmed, Soren is frank breech (has both feet up by his head). Unless he turns we will be more than likely having a c-section. But it was affirmation that he was healthy - thank you God.
We try different techniques to turn the little booger. I knew in my heart of hearts he wasn't going to turn. I still tried. I am a mom who tries. But every visit he is still breeched. Finally we met with Dr. Chandler to discuss the possibilities of an eversion to turn Mr. Soren. He decided that we were not good candidates - baby is big, not much room to move, and the placenta was in the way.
Those were not the words this momma wanted to hear. But he is healthy, and we continue to sing praise.
June 24th.... is not the date of our son Soren. But to my relief, he did pick his own birthday. Monday the 22nd I started to have contractions 10 minutes apart. My parents whisk the oldest away and my husband and I go to the hospital. I am indeed in early labor. My contractions were visible but not making super progress in other areas. So I get to go home (I ate oreos and chick-fi-la as my last meal before midnight). I was told to come back the next day at 6 am for a c-section (it was not the scheduled day!). Come to find out my midwife, who was at the hospital that night, and the nurse thought I would be back in... but we made it to the early 6 am.
I had a wonderful nurse to help prep me. We waited. We monitored. We answered questions. We prayed silently. We waited. We made phone calls. You get the point.
Finally around 10:00 I was moved to the operating room. Yes, it looks like the movies. Bright white lights, super sterile, everyone in masks hiding their identities. I get the special meds that make your legs go heavy and loose all feeling, but yet I was awake. This whole time, I am thinking, Soren will be here soon... God is soooo Good.
I am sliced open on the table like a fish in the summer sun. Every roll of fat. Every freckle. Every stretch mark. Every scar and burn. Every imperfection that I've ever tried to hide....
Viewed - by strangers - in masks.
It doesn't take long at all. And out comes this beautiful crying noise. My husband leaves my side to attend to Soren (as I requested) - my midwife talked to me and helped take pictures of my boys. I am stapled up; yes STAPLED.... 19 metal staples. I am ALIVE, Soren is ALIVE..... God blesses.
I am carted back to the recovery room. I can't do anything. I tried. I am told several times of what will happen the next 12 hours. Nurses will help me move at a good rate. Nurses will bring me pain meds (ALWAYS TAKE THE PILLS). Nurses will empty my catheter bag... I mean how else was I going to go the restroom if I can't walk for 12ish hours (it was more like 16).
Soren Paul was born on June 23, 2015. He was 8.5 pounds, 20.5 inches long, and BEAUTIFUL!!
We had so many wonderful visitors while in the hospital, and at times I just wanted to sleep... and at times I did. They came to see the baby. They didn't need to see my smug face. =] People came and went. Nurses came and went. Eventually I started walking more and more the next day. Slowly.
I am healing. Soren is healthy. We thank God for our handsome wonderful boy. We are blessed by so many people bringing us food, holding and loving on Soren, entertaining and wrestling the big brother. All is good.
And as Paul Harvey would say "that's the rest of the story"
More blogs to come:
Tips and thoughts about c-sections
My biggest mommy fail - ruining God's perfect creation. The emotions of a mom who tried to breastfeed.
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