6 days without dying!

Here's how I modified it for me - it's really just me watching what I eat for 30 days - super close.
**No obvious sugar - I'm not hardcore on the sugar - so like everything has sugar in it. So if it's 1g or less than I'm okay (like packaged deli meats, etc). I'm still eating all the fruits I want.
**No breads/grains/carbs - again, not hardcore - I am going to allow a little bit (haven't yet) brown rice and maybe couscous... but so far doing good
**No dairy - not even cheese. Super sad face.
**Absolutely allowing beans/legumes and peanut butter (in moderation) and trying to learn to stomach/enjoy black coffee over my old sugary delicious treats. - this is the biggest modification.
Whole 30 is supposed to be a cleanse, to 'reset' your system in 30 days.
For me, I am doing this as a healthy lifestyle change.
That if I can be disciplined enough for 30 days to not eat ________________foods and eat more of _______________healthy foods, than I am good.
I want to be able to live my life and not over indulge on food.
Exercise, it is included. I am still running 5k's here and there. I am also going to the gym a few times a week. When I am not, I am doing the following challenges:

You might be asking yourself, "Why would anyone want to torture themselves and not eat all of this yummy amazing food?"
- Excellent question! I want to see if I have the will power. Last year around this time I did a three day fast. It was hard (you can read my blog). But I felt accomplished. That is my personality, I want to complete and compete against myself.
But it's more than just me. It's for Him and it's for Them. I want to crave God more than I crave food. I want to sit around a table not because there's food to eat, but because there are people to look at and love on. I want to be able to treat myself properly, as He intended, so that I know that nothing is in my way spiritually. Read the book, Made to Crave, by Lysa TerKeurst. I read it with some friends a couple summers ago. It really reminded me how much we depend on food over God.
I also want to do it for Them, my family. I want to be the best wife possible (J loves me, don't get me wrong, but I want to challenge myself to be better physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etc). It's also for our boys. I want to live a long time with them. Race with them. Chase them at the playground. I want them to help influence their eating choices and habits now, while it's not too late.
"What is your goal?" A friend asked me last night at small group.
- Another great question. I told her, as she was taking her homemade pies home (heart broken I didn't get to try them, they were strawberry!) That I would be pretty disappointed if I didn't loose any weight after all of this. Last August, I started a personal campaign of "willlose60" - I lost all the baby weight (30/35 pounds) by early March. And then I hit the wall. The plateau. Whatever it was, it hurt. I trained for a half-marathon, was running, but not loosing any weight. I still have about 20 pounds to go to get to my goal weight. But this is more of a mental matter than a physical. I want to see that I can over come food in 30 days. I want to feed my addiction of control while allowing God to be in command. So if I don't see the scale move, that's okay. It's also more than the numbers on the scale. I want to feel good inside and out.
How am I doing?
- Really well! I have had a few headaches, but I want to link that to being tired. Lately, the days that I am at work in front of a computer screen planning and proctoring tests, I am more tired and get a headache. As a teacher, lounges are very dangerous, tempting places. But in the last six days I have passed up cookies, cupcakes, baby shower treats and cake, yummy homemade pasta from a friend, and that lovely-looking pie. I have also not jumped to my kiddos "fruit" snacks or treats either. I am eating when I want, snacking on almonds or fruit. I am making changes to what I eat, not to what my family eats. I.E. tacos/burritos I use lettuce instead of tortillas. I am making wiser choices and still get to eat more. Currently, I love banana-cream. Seriously, freeze some banana chunks, put them in a blender (we use a ninja) add a little bit of water (and peanut butter if you want) and you get a cold creamy treat. Hits the need for ice cream. Can I say, where I live, ice cream is very easily accessible. It's a dangerous neighborhood!
The next 24 days/80% might be different. Will let you know, check back in. Or ask like so many already have!
How am I doing it?
- This is different than how I am doing. I don't like letting people down. But finding a person to hold you accountable for 30 days is really hard. So I took a concept from a friend who had to raise money for a missions trip and asked for 30 people to sign up for a day. I assumed I would have to ask people to sign up for two days. I was overwhelmed with the amount of love, support, encouragement I received from people (what are they trying to say about me.... kidding!) THE COOL PART - I signed up the people's names on a calendar, and some are already telling me how that date was important to them. It's a total God thing. Their support comes from a variety of ways so far, hanging out with me, texting me, sending me facebook messages or comments, praying for me. They are doing this while I am also able to pray for them. While I am running/exercising or in a moment of weakness I will think "I don't want to let __________ down. Don't do it." This support team has rocked my world!
Sunday we had a great sermon about the difference between trying to be like Jesus and training to be like Jesus. When we try something, it's almost like we are okay with failure, or maybe we will try something knowing that we probably won't like it, even though we never gave it a fair shot.
Training is learning from our mistakes, taking opportunities to improve, getting help and support, being disciplined in our actions.
So, I am training using whole30 to change my eating style.
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