Book: Understanding the Bible in 30 Days by Max Anders; it was a good book. However I treated it more like cliff notes and not an actual book. Each day/chapter (30 of them) there was an introduction to the concept/topic. A lot of times they were stories or analogies. Slowly I stopped reading them and went to the "meat" of the chapter looking at the Bible part. It did help me understanding the types of books in the Bible. It helped me understand the history of the Bible as well as give me a better idea of popular topics and scripture to support those concepts. I think if you were new to wanting to read the Bible it would be a great resource, but for me, it was not my favorite.
Health: 30 day challenge and whole 30. Neither of these goals were met. I didn't even run that much; which is good for my soul too. I had some good days in both departments and I had some bad days.
Scripture Memorization: I am writing them on a note card to hang in my bathroom, a note card to leave in my van, and then reading several times out of my Bible as well as putting it in our kitchen on the chalkboard. I am doing pretty good. Sometimes can't remember all the previous ones. I would like to get better at helping our oldest to them with me. I think he is capable.
Challenges: to stick to it, inspire, and encourage. Well, I did some of those, but not to the fullest potential. Will get better.

February 2017
Freshness is in the air. The days are getting longer (praise him) and the month is short and filled with dates full of love and opportunities to encourage other people! Book: During Christmas last year a sweet co-worker posted on facebook that she wanted to pass on a book; "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow. I told her I was interested in it. The next day it was in my mail box at school with a sweet note. Although I don't tend to one filled with anxiety I think it will help address issues so I can better serve those who do have anxiety issues. Look forward to reading it.
Health: Jeremiah and I are going to do whole 30 to the best of our abilities. We both have conferences on weekends (where food is provided); so we will do our best under those situations. My goal is to also make this a lifestyle change and not just a monthly fad. It takes 60+ days to form a habit, so I would like to carry this into March as well. I have several running races coming up and would like to increase my speed. I am also on a relay team and need to train for a 10 or 12k! Tonight I plan on taking the kids to the gym as well. Starting out the month right. If I am not able to run or go to the gym I would like to stick with some sort of challenge (see below) or quick work out at home.
Scripture Memorization: Psalm 62: 1-2, James 1:22, Ephesians 4:29, and James 1:19. As I am picking these some are given to me, some are ones that I have picked for a while, and some are found as popular ones to memorize. Slowly over time I am challenging myself to memorizing more than a few verses.
Challenges: I would like to write a card or letter every day this month. It's the month of love and I would like to share that with peple. I was gifted with words and would like to share encouragement with those around me. I also want to be more focused in my prayer.
Another month to a better me!
How are your goals going? Any topics you want me to write about? Any books you think I should read?

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