It's been a year!
Well, almost.
I "officially" started my healthy lifestyle change August 1st of 2015. Here is the a piece of my first weight loss journey post from last year:
"My goal - which ever comes first is to lose 60 pounds or be down 4-5 dress sizes by next summer. I am trying to keep in mind that muscle, scientifically, does weigh more than fat. I am trying to keep in mind that this is going to be a long journey. I am trying to keep in mind that no matter what I am loved, I am important, I am valuable. I am trying to keep in mind that my body is not really mine. I belong to something bigger and better than all of us. But I need to do this. I want to be healthy for my family.
Hopefully blogging will be another tool to keep me accountable. I have a great support system to encourage me and work out with me. I am logging my food, follow me on my fitness pal as mdjones12. I am eating less sugary foods and limiting breads. I got a Fitbit to monitor my steps. I have all the tools. Now to put them in place."
Click me if you really want to read the entire post.
So, how did I do?
Started at 210 ----------> currently at 175 pounds. I did not loose 60 pounds [YET].
Started at size 18/20 ----------> currently at size 12. I did not loose 4-5 dress sizes [YET].
Am I healthy for my family? Absolutely!
Did I log my food? Every day, for a year! See below picture.
Did I track my steps? Every day, getting on average 12,000 steps a day.
Around March, I wanted to quit. But I decided to keep going and set some other new goals. Here is what I wrote from that post:
"Train for my 1/2 marathon in May. [I have a 10k this Saturday and a 10 mile race at the end of April]
Eat better. I really do need to limit my sugar intake. **it's just so good**
Incorporate strength training - twice a week."
So how did I do?
I ran a 1/2 marathon *check*
I try to eat better *check*
Incorporate strength training twice a week *half check*

I am making progress.
My husband, J, and I got a year long membership to a club back in June. Recently, we hired a personal trainer. At first I was a little worried/consumed by the cost of it (although not a lot, I always feel bad for spending money on me/us).
But after a few sessions (that KICKED my booty) I was able to come to terms. Tatum and Colby are helping us learn. We are learning form and technique. We are learning better nutrition. We are learning what exercises to do for what we need (running faster for me and loosing weight for J).
I was also okay with it once I realized that people use wraps, powders, shakes, surgeries, and pills looking for the same results; while what we are buying is a lifestyle change a learning opportunity. I don't want to depend on supplements or outside sources for the rest of my life. This change, depends on us.

I've stopped counting calories. I am still writing down what I eat so our trainer can see my log. But I am not counting calories. I am done with those little numbers on every package, with every bite. I now think, do I want someone to see this. Is it worth writing down? I am, per our trainers advice, eating smaller more frequent meals. From a handful of almonds to an apple.
Do I still crave ice cream (had it two times last week).
Do I still feel guilty when eating said ice cream? NO. Not any more.

That is my new constant reminder.
It's just a number.
Here are some more important numbers that define me.
* 3 nails that saved my life
* 8 years of marriage
* 2 boys of my own
* 4 years of teaching (about to start my 5th!)
* 516 students served, loved, cared for and challenged
* 752 miles (probably more) ran since 2012
* 546 kilometers ran during 2016, that's roughly 339 miles in 7 months
* 2761 moments captured on my phone.
* numerous women who love and support me
* countless healthy meals I have made for my children
* several hours of playing, dancing, acting silly with my children
I am worth so much more than that simple number of 175 pounds.
That could be 175 coconuts for all we know.
A year ago I decided to start a weight loss journey. A lifestyle change. And that's exactly what it has been. A journey.
This next year's journey is going to be a continue of the last year. {WOW, can I just pause, it's been a year!!!}
What am I going to continue for this year, this journey:
continue to run
continue to work out regularly
continue to eat smaller portions and health/clean food
continue to play with my kids
continue to laugh at myself
continue to love who I am and who I am becoming
continue to grow healthy friendships
continue to dig deep into my faith
I tried counting calories. And now I am going to move on.
I will check back in, I am sure, in a few months. But this picture always resinates with me. So I am just going to leave it here.