Another year has come and gone.
Seriously, where have you gone?
I want to be a better me.
A better:
Christian me
Healthy me
Wife me
Mom me
Friend me
Daughter me
Financial me
Writer me
Reader me
Hobby me
A better 2017 me.
I just want to be better at being me. My only competition
is me. I am not competing with facebook friends or the amount of 'likes' I can get. I am not competing with pinterest people. I am not a huge "new years" resolution person, for I believe you can always change - the month doesn't determine your desire to become someone better than you were the day before.
This year I am trying to get in mind that as long as I am moving forward, I am making progress. I have lot of habits I want to form and some habits I want to break or recreate into something better.
When you google "how long does it take to form a habit" this pops up:
Recent research led by a team at the University College London think they have uncovered just how long (o average) it takes for something to become habitual. They do not think it takes 21 days to form a habit. They believe it takes an average of 66 days to create a habit.
Sixty six days! Two months?!? I want to keep this in mind. I know myself well enough to realize that being realistic is my game. I'm not a "dream big" person. I expect to fail, and that's okay. It's part of the journey. So when it comes to me making goals or new years resolutions, I want something that is tangible, as well as something that if not achieved will keep me motivated.
December 31, 2017
I am being flooded with excitement just thinking about where I will be in 365+ days from now. Oh the excitement, the changes and transitions. The arguments, mourning, joy and glee. The praises, the songs, the moments of silence. Oh - what is going to happen in the next coming months and weeks?!?! Where will be at the end of the year? What are our new dreams and goals? Is Soren potty trained? How does Gideon like school? Do they share a room and love it? Who lived with us this year? Were we more generous than we have been before? Good stewards of our money? Good stewards of our time? Did social media finally find it's rightful place; the bottom of the totem pole of priorities? How has God blessed us this year, even when we didn't deserve it? What times of sadness did we have to over come together?
So many questions.
In a year, we will have the answers.
I understand some things are out of my control. 'Tis life.
I understand some things need to be out of my control.
As a teacher, there is a style of writing lessons plans called "backward planning" where you start with your end result or goal and work to your starting point. I am going to apply that methodology for my year.
For a lot of my year goals will only be achieved by my daily activities. The in the moment yes and no; the journey of choosing.
These goals, resolutions, whatever you want to call them, are woven together so beautifully, sewn together like one of my Grandma's hand quilted blankets. They go together. My physical will effect my personal as will my relational will effect my mental and so forth.
Physically - I would like to feel healthier and not struggle with my self-image. Ideally I would like to weigh 140 pounds (less than 3 pounds a month), have a 5k race time of less than 32 minutes (10 minute pace), and set or do other physical activities like, get a bike and use frequently, run another half, set personal records in lifting, obstacle race, etc.
Spiritually - I want to be closer to our amazing creator. It's hard for me to put a number or deadline on this growth. I would like to read my Bible more/better. I would like to finally (never had before) memorize scripture and have Gideon help me with that. I just want to have my heart in check.
Relational - I would like to be more of an encouragement for others and strength and grow new relationships. I hope that through my other endeavor my relationships with my husband and kids will improve as a natural by product of my efforts.
Financially - I would like be more generous in our time, treasure and talents. I crunch numbers frequently, and God always provides, but this year I would like to make sure to be purposeful of my resources and be stewards with what we were provided.

(Challenge Sheet)
The above is a picture of my Challenge Sheet. At the top I have "Priorities, Projects and Prayers" the main things I would like to focus on for the month. Priorities could be of any focus or challenges like not eating out for the month. Projects can be what book I am reading for the month, crafts, the monthly photo album, etc. Prayers can of any nature or need or a time frame.
The middle part of the challenge sheet I have weeks. Here I will post the scripture I would like to focus on for the week and any other benchmark goals that might help with the monthly challenges.
The bottom of the challenge sheet is where I will post daily challenges. These challenges will be achieved at an 80% rate. Reading my bible daily really means 5 out of 7 days. No one is perfect. Daily challenges include, drinking a gallon of water, no sugar, a variety of fitness challenges, purging/organizational challenges, writing cards, tracking food/points, limiting social media, etc.
If you want to follow my 2017 pinterest board,
go here. I don't get on pinterest as much as I use to. But it is a good way to collect and share ideas and links.
For those of you still reading here are some challenges I am going to hopefully have our family do, as well as links and ideas to help you.
I am going to encourage Gideon to put pennies in a jar corresponding to the number of days into the year that we are. At the end of the year I would like to find an organization, of Gideon's choice to donate the money to.
I would also like to have a praise jar - so we can look back and remember all of the positive awesome events in our life, a memory jar if you wish
I found some monthly challenges with different themes. Some of the days are easy - smile at more people - for example. But something fun!
I have not decided what weekly scripture I will be doing, I like to be inspired or reflect on something for the week. Again, I would like to include my family in on this, so some might be "kid" friendly.
The following two links are PDF's of weekly scripture.
Click here for a list.
Click here for another option that is more kid friendly.
You can find another list
It's going to be a great year!