I said it. Well, I stated it. But once it's on the internet - there is no coming back.
I was raised not a quitter. So quit quitting? But seriously, my parents always made sure that I completed any task that I had signed up for, asked to do, or committed to.
By nature I am a person driven by results. I am driven by improving and helping. I am driven by productivity. I am driven by data and facts.
So when I hit 2 months...... TWO MONTHS..... of not losing weight.
I wanted to quit.
I had lost my drive.

My whole "will lose 60" campaign came to a screeching halt. 2/3 done though (that's positive). My "weigh 150" by the end of the school year has become, by Soren's first birthday, and then might be pushed back to my anniversary of starting this journey. Setting attainable goals is always important. But what if you are doing 'everything' and those goals seem to float away?
Every time I come close to quitting, someone would tell me that I am inspiring them.
The people that say I am inspiring - are MY INSPIRATION.
I don't like letting people down. I want to quit but I also don't want to disappoint.
It's a true inner struggle.
Who struggles with this conflict:
Here's the other reality - God loves me. My husband loves me. My children love me. Friends, family, community, etc.... I am loved.
---> I just don't love myself <---
Like, that's harsh. I love myself. But I want to be the best version of myself that I can be.
So, why are we so hard on ourselves as people (moms specifically).
That number on the scale is just a number. So why does it impact people more than something REAL. Freinds and family = REAL. Serving and loving others = REAL. A cold metal box that spits a number out at you..... is that real? Is that real life? Is that real living?

I think I have shared the above image before.
I like to read other articles, blogs from a variety of people. I am not a book worm as much as an information ant. With that I see post about how to lose weight. I see post about how you should be happy with yourself. And everything in between.
How do you balance being content and being realistic with being lazy and having excuses?
So, where do I go from here???
Train for my 1/2 marathon in May. [I have a 10k this Saturday and a 10 mile race at the end of April]
Eat better. I really do need to limit my sugar intake. **it's just so good**
Incorporate strength training - twice a week.
Stop having excuses, be happy (I always do feel happier after a good run or sweat), stay positive.

I tried quitting. It wasn't for me. This was just a detour in my journey.